- School Edition
- Now Available!
- Home Edition
- Coming Soon!
MathImagine’s™ School Edition licensed subscription is AFFORDABLE! Your district, campuses, teachers, and students get access to ALL grade level products [Grades 5 through Geometry]. Create success in math and track progress on multiple levels! You’ll learn and use it a new way everyday in ALL learning settings with ALL students. Make math success possible for your students now. Here are some ways MathImagine™ has been used. We’re sure you’ll also find many of your own…
Unlimited solution: Don’t invest in a limited “solution.” MathImagine™ is both affordable and limitless for EVERYONE: Administrators, New, Experienced, or Intervention Teachers, Permanent Substitutes, Students, and Parents. Use MathImagine™ with ALL students, in ALL instructional settings for creating Math Success.
Up and Running Immediately: Be up and running immediately with accounts at multiple levels – district, campus, and teacher.
Use in many settings: Teachers, you can use MathImagine™ as an instructional tool in the classroom, computer lab, cooperative learning, with your interactive white board, and incorporating new teaching strategies.
A tool for Instructional Leadership: Administrators, you can view and interact with examples of scaffolded math lessons and targeted assessment questions. Use data from the robust reporting system for guiding instructional decisions.
Robust Reporting System: On-demand and multi-level data and reports from MathImagine’s™ Robust Reporting System guide Administrators in making data-driven decisions at district and campus levels, and teachers in making instructional decisions and tracking student and class progress.
Unique, innovative design: A design that is your solution for increasing student achievement in math for ALL students, including struggling learners, at-risk students, and English learners.
Proven success for ALL students: Unleash learning through scaffolded lessons for ALL students that’s fun, animated, engaging, and highly interactive!
Feedback that matters on quizzes and lessons: A database of thousands of questions with Guided Feedback that’s animated, immediate, and specific for EACH incorrect answer choice. This clears up any misconceptions, creating an opportunity for learning. This is one of many unique features of MathImagine™!
Built on the math standards: Built by curriculum leaders and teachers from across the United States who live and breathe the Math Standards, using proven strategies.
MathImagine’s™ Home Edition subscription is AFFORDABLE at $7.95/month and perfect for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Students, giving you access to ALL grade level products [Grade 5 through Geometry]! Help your learner(s) be successful in math class, on state assessments, and meet the state standards. The MathImagine™ Home Edition features and ways for maximizing its use are…
Interactive Lessons: Fun, visually engaging, animated and interactive lessons scaffold learning using proven, effective teaching strategies. This is a great solution for ALL learners, including English learners and those that struggle in math.
Up and Running Immediately: Be up and running immediately.
Guided Feedback: This awesome feature gives immediate feedback to clear up any misunderstandings and provides a problem-solving strategy during the lessons and for each incorrect Quiz answer choice.
English Learner Support: English learners’ language development through visual, well-paced design, using proper math vocabulary required in their math class and state tests.
Graphing Calculator Integration: Graphing Calculator strategies are included throughout lessons and quiz guided feedback as a problem-solving strategy as allowed by the math standards.
Huge database of Quiz Questions: A large database of thousands of questions, asked in MANY different ways to help ensure your learner is math prepared!
Track Learner Progress: Lots of reporting features to help you identify areas/objectives that have been mastered and which ones still need more practice by individual learner or groups of learners.
Many uses for Everyone: Use of the latest, easy to understand techniques, whether you are a parent wanting to help your child with their homework or a college student wanting to brush up on your math skills, vocabulary, and understanding of new or forgotten math topics, MathImagine™ is the tool for you!
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