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mathimagine software banner MathImagine™  Training, Implementation & Intervention MathImagine Software bar image

MathImagine Math Software Program increae math student achievementBe inspired…to transform teaching and learning with MathImagine™. Our team goes beyond training you on how to use MathImagine, we guide you in Implementing and using it as an effective Intervention Tool in a variety of settings. Our experience spans over 20 years of effectively implementing MathImagine™ programs with proven results, across the United States.

Although our programs are very simple to navigate, we do offer optional training packages that help teachers, homeschoolers, and administrators become not only familiar with the program, but with its many possibilities.  Select from a variety of services we provide below:

Hands-on Training for Teachers

We’d be happy to walk you through the program and familiarize you with all of the features.  We can show you practical and creative applications and help you maximize student success.

In-lab Training with Teachers & their Students

Let us assist your teachers in using our program directly in the classroom with students.  Our experienced consultants can help teachers make the most of this powerful program.

District & School Implementation Planning

As with any curriculum resource, the key to success is implementation.  Let us work with you to create an implementation plan that is specific to your needs.  The audience for this training could include, but is not limited to:

  • English learners
  • At Risk and Special Education
  • Math Campus Leaders
  • Testing Coordinators
  • Academic Deans
  • Principals
  • Classroom Teachers
  • Technology
  • District Administrators
  • Staff Development

mathimagine software bannerWe are great at what we do…

See our work in action! Below are a few images that demonstrates our MathImagine™ Blitzes in a computer lab setting:

Intervention Math Blitzes

We have developed a fun and efficient way for students to review standards prior to high stakes testing.  The Blitz is conducted in the lab with students and teachers.  Students work for prizes and the atmosphere is one of contagious enthusiasm, focusing on celebrating student success, high expectations, collaborative thinking, and “in-time” teaching. Let us help you provide this fun and proven method to help ensure student success.

Contact Us for Training Opportunities

We know that every district’s and campus’s needs are unique. We tailor our training to maximize student learning and success in mathematics in a variety of settings. Whether it’s for your English Learners, at-risk students, effective interventions, or classroom instruction… we have a professional development solution for you! Contact us at 210.492.2783,, or using the contact form below.

Contact Us about Your Training Needs

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